You may have already heard Terminator; it is a project that extends the classic linux terminal, in order to help you fill your screen area with consoles, as effectively as you can. If you have not already installed it, you should really give it a try! Take a look on the project’s website, where you will find detailed installation instructions.

If you use Terminator in your every day life, you may have noticed that the Dash and Alt-Tab icons are not exactly high quality images. This is quite a pity, because Terminator is a great application and when you switch windows you see the humble 48x48 icon, between all these beautiful Firefox and Eclipse icons.

Thankfully, open source world is a great place to live in and in order to change the default icon to another one, you only have to:

  1. Create or download an icon you like - 256x256 is a great resolution to try - and name it terminator.png. Let’s say that your custom png exists in ${HOME}/Downloads directory.
  2. Copy the custom icon to:

     cp ${HOME}/Downloads/terminator.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/terminator.png
  3. Open /usr/share/applications/terminator.desktop and replace the line:




Restart Terminator to see the effect!